tablanusu beach

If you have the opportunity to stop by Sentani area in Jayapura, you should stop by a beach in Depapre District, Jayapura District, Papua. There is a village called Tablanusu, and that's where the Tablanusu Beach is located. This village i about 33 kilometers from Sentani, you can rent or charter a car to get there. It will take about one and a half hours and you will arrive at Depapre Harbor and continue for about 20 minutes to Tablanusu Village. Once you arrive in Tablanusu Village, you may feel that this village is very small and simple. And along the way there are round gray pebbles in blackish gray. The atmosphere here is quite beautiful, with stage houses and light-colored stone houses. The environment was clean enough.

Not just the village roads filled with pebbles, the beaches too. The beach here is fairly quiet, probably because of its rather remote location. But, the beauty and simplicity makes us always want to come back. Along the coast are seen boats owned by local fishermen. if walking along this village, try not to use sandals or shoes. So, you can feel natural foot massage. You can do some activities on this beach, like snorkeling or diving. At the end of the village there is a resort, maybe you can stay and ask for activities that are available. you can also learn the culture or history of Tablanusu Village.
