Lorentz National Park of Papua

Lorentz National Park is a national park located in the province of Papua, Indonesia. With an area of 2.4 million Ha; Lorentz is the largest national park in Southeast Asia. The park is still uncharted, explored and there are many native plants, animals and cultures. In 1999 the park was accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The name of the National Park was taken from a Dutch explorer, Hendrikus Albertus Lorentz, who passed through the area in 1909 which is his 10th expedition in this National Park.

National park in Papua is included in the 3 unique areas in the world because it has a glacier located in a tropical region. This region has a wide variety of unique biodiversity, such as the disappearance of rivers up to several km in the ground in Balliem Valley and the emergence of glaciers located at the top of Mount Jayawijaya.

Not only the biodiversity that is served in this national park, but also the cultural diversity. Cultural diversity in this area is very interesting, because this area including residence of West Dani tribe, Asmat tribe, Sempan tribe, Nduga tribe and Sempan tribe. Even this culture is estimated to be 30,000 years old. As we know, where the Asmat tribe who are in this area is also popular with the skills of sculptural sculptures.

For those of you who want to go on a trip to this national park and witness firsthand the natural beauty can directly contact Lorentz National Park Hall on Jl. Raya Abepura Kotaraja, Post Box 1217 Jayapura.

Tanam Nasional Lorentz Papua, terletak di 4 Kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Jayawijaya,Kabupaten Paniai, Kabupaten Merauke dan Kabupaten Fak-Fak yang terletak di Papua bagian barat. Tanam nasional ini sudah di tetapkan oleh UNESCO pada tahun 1999. . Tanam ini juga termasuk taman nasional yang terbesar di Asia Tengggara. Berbagai jenis tumbuhan, danau, pantai,berbagai jenis burung,mamalia dan tempat tinggal bagi beberapa suku yang sudah menetap dari 30 ribu tahun yang lalu.Jika kalain ingin pergi ke tempat wisata ini,kalian perlu menyiapkan berbagai kebutuhan karena di tempat wisata taman nasional ini tidak menyediakan fasilitas. . Sumber : zonalibur.com indonesia360.net 23072017.1.3 . #indonesia360 #indonesia360net #jelajahIndonesia #liburan #Melali #informasi #Papua #faktaindonesia #Indonesia #tahukahanda #fyi #tahukahkamu #info #follow4follow #papua #explorePapua #faktaPapua #wisataPapua
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